EU, citizens, institutions, trust…
In a contemporary civilized society, trust, democracy, and justice are not terms used only in laws, dictionaries and political campaigns, BUT values, norms and practices applied in our daily lives, if not are worth fighting for… Said in other words, trust, democracy, justice and so, are not given for granted somewhere else, but rediscovered within and around us through our thoughts and actions, which lay the ground of well being and civil order, especially in difficult times…
In that regard, since the very beginning has in my best belief been a lawful attempt in the material establishment of working Union and society, so here yet another example of, mildly said mishandling, that in my best belief must not occur, be neglected or silenced…
In brief, concerning my pension complaint (see Varma Kela VALITUSOSOITUS, in Finnish), I was requested by KELA (The Social Insurance Institution of Finland) to present a document for social security status and benefits from Bulgaria (Finland and Bulgaria are both EU member states). Residing in Finland I wrote to the Bulgarian Social Security Institute and they answered me rather quickly, that since I am not personally in Bulgaria to get the document, nor I belong to their digitally secured system, a way to get the document would be a direct appeal of KELA to them. The Bulgarian authorities even named me the system EESSI (Electronic Exchange of Social Security Information), through which the European National Institutions could easily exchange data. I wrote that to KELA, which on its turn on 5.6.2020 (the deadline for answering them) informed me that it has now directly asked the information from the Bulgarian authorities (see digital copy of our correspondence from the link in front, in Finnish). Then being asked KELA’s sick-leave status decision by VARMA (Mutual Pension Insurance Company), on the 16.6.2020 I asked KELA what’s going on, and they answered me that they haven’t received any information from Bulgaria, even after KELA’s second request on 8.6.2020 (see the link in front) and that KELA has not make its decision… Amazed from the fact that the Bulgarian authorities were answering me within several days but NOT to KELA, I wrote them and asked, to which, within 24h, I got official answer from the headquarters of the Bulgarian Social Security Institute, that as of 18.6.2020 the Bulgarian National Social Security Institute, has NOT received any request for information regarding me from Finland (see document from the link in front)!
Look in 2014, after the severe for me and family setback, I still vigorously believed in democratically working state and Union, yet now after having some 7 psychiatric diagnoses (see point 3 from the link in front) and the yet another exemplary set of contradictory data between National European Institutions, I just take my pills and smile…
Quiz — what according to you would be the/a national, EU, international institution, which could clear or coordinate at least the last matter? If you happen to know please give me feedback or share my article with them… When communicating with national or international, social, financial or judicial institutions one usually signs a consent that providing incorrect information to the institution has legal consequences, yet I am not a lawyer, but would assume the same for the information provided by an institution reciprocally …
Kind regards, Rosti